We study the state-space geometry of various extremal and nonextremal black
holes in string theory. From the notion of the intrinsic geometry, we offer a
new perspective of black hole vacuum fluctuations. For a given black hole
entropy, we explicate the intrinsic state-space geometric meaning of the
statistical fluctuations, local and global stability conditions and long range
statistical correlations. We provide a set of physical motivations pertaining
to the extremal and nonextremal black holes, \textit{viz.}, the meaning of the
chemical geometry and physics of correlation. We illustrate the state-space
configurations for general charge extremal black holes. In sequel, we extend
our analysis for various possible charge and anticharge nonextremal black
holes. From the perspective of statistical fluctuation theory, we offer general
remarks, future directions and open issues towards the intrinsic geometric
understanding of the vacuum fluctuations and black holes in string theory.
Keywords: Intrinsic Geometry; String Theory; Physics of black holes;
Classical black holes; Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation,
thermodynamics; Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related
objects; Statistical Fluctuation; Flow Instability.
PACS: 02.40.Ky; 11.25.-w; 04.70.-s; 04.70.Bw; 04.70.Dy; 04.50.Gh; 5.40.-a;
47.29.KyComment: 28 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with