Tourism development post global financial crisis: Case of Albania


Tourism is the elastic sector and capable of demonstrating the significant capacity past the crisis occurrence despite it is more appreciable in the short run. The global financial crisis during 2008 – 2009 passed likewise the adverse external shock to developing countries and we faced to the consequences of it. It had the significant impact on the tourism sector. Empirical results demonstrated that tourist revenues tend to be more affected than cash tourist during the time of crisis. Impact of the crisis on the tourism sector associated with the different effects in diverse countries. The crisis around the world brought to Albania the highest number of tourists, but tourism receipts per tourist were lower compared to other years. The goal of this paper is to analyze the impacts of post global economic crisis on the tourism sector according to Albania and around the diverse world regions. The paper investigated the indicators of tourism sector linking to Albania and global regions through the comparative static and dynamic analysis during 2009 – 2014. We concluded that the impact of crisis in the tourism sector and its renovation were altering to dissimilar countries. The global tourism renovated during 2012, meanwhile the Albanian tourism sector was renovating during 2014

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