Physical activity participation related challenges that adolescent Montagnard refugee youth encounter in America


Although research has identified that physical activity enhances the psychosocial, physiological, and the academic well-being of at-risk youth, little information is known about the unique challenges that adolescent Montagnard refugee youth face as they acculturate into the United States of America.Methods: This case study used photovoice methodology (Wang, 1998) to examine the physical activity participation related challenges that adolescent Montagnard immigrant youth encounter upon arrival into the United Stated of America.  Sixteen adolescent Montagnard youth (eight male and eight female) participated in this intensive study. They all completed a demographic survey with the use of two bilingual and bicultural interpreters (1 male and 1 female), participated in photovoice training on the use of cameras, took photographs, wrote photo captions, and shared stories about their pictures. A total 356 photographs were developed and analyzed.  Results: The results from the photovoice study clearly indicated that the environmental, socio-cultural, and socio-demographic were the main barriers to participating in physical activity as well as accessing community parks and recreation amenities.Conclusion:  The findings reaffirmed that collaborations among all stakeholders were invaluable, especially in cross-cultural settings

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