JPI Oceans Concerted support action deliverable 5.1 'Mapping and preliminary analysis of policy needs for evidence'


CSA Oceans preliminary analysis of policy needs CSA Oceans has completed its preliminary analysis of policy needs. The public deliverable reports on the current status of marine and maritime policies relevant to JPI Oceans and identifies examples of science to policy mechanisms. The report uses stakeholder input to identify the needs of different policies to fulfil their objectives. One of the underlying issues is thought to be a lack of integration between marine and maritime activities. It was suggested that new technologies, integrated systems and greater data sharing could be the key to developing more holistic management strategies. Stakeholders also identified several examples of effective science to policy mechanisms which include ICES, the IPCC assessment, and science-policy activities of the European Marine Board. Evidence for the public deliverable was gathered from three stakeholder consultation exercises conducted in 2013. This involved a series of stakeholder workshops, a national funding agencies questionnaire, and an online consultation. Next steps The next step for CSA Oceans - Work Package 5 is to build on the findings of the first deliverable. The next deliverable will develop case studies, based on the examples identified, and suggest how JPI Oceans could improve science to policy mechanisms in Europe. Both deliverables of Work Package 5 will be used to inform the content of the JPI Oceans Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Implementation Plan. Stakeholder inputs are at the core of this deliverable to ensure that the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Implementation Plan are developed in parallel with the opinions of the European marine and maritime community

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