

When the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal was founded in 1990, it focused scholarly attention on a region of the world at the dawn of a new era. The year prior, nations of the Pacific Rim came together to establish Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). At the same time, legal scholars in the United States sought to deepen their understanding of the region. However, despite the obvious and growing importance of Asia to global legal study, there was but one comparable law review focused on the Pacific Rim. Acknowledging the relative scarcity of scholarly fora, this Journal was inaugurated with a devotion “to bridge the gap between East and West.” It was fitting such a forward-looking and internationally-minded journal would come out of the University of Washington School of Law. As then-Editor-in-Chief, Lawrence Weiner, remarked in the foreword to the Journal’s intramural issue, “the University of Washington is located in a major Pacific Rim center whose lifeblood is tied to events in East Asia.” His remark echoes as true today as it did then. The school’s Asian Law Center, its LL.M. and Ph.D. programs, and its vision to train “Leaders for the Global Common Good” continues to attract students and scholars alike to the University of Washington campus to discuss the connection between the U.S. and the Pacific world

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