Changes Suggested in Washington Practice and Procedure: Comparative Analysis of State Rules and Statutes with New Federal Rules Points to Desirable Amendments


In accordance with action taken at the July Convention of the Washington State Bar Association, the Board of Governors appointed a committee (Paul P. Ashley of Seattle, chairman) on Judicial Administration to concern itself with the matters considered and reported upon by the section on Judicial Administration of the American Bar Association. This committee divided itself into sections, and to each was assigned one of the subjects under consideration, including Pre-trial Procedure, Improvement in the Law of Evidence, Trial Practice and Administrative Agencies and Tribunals. Among other things the American Bar Association recommended that the State Bar Associations undertake to bring state practice into close conformity with the Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts of the United States, as recently adopted. The section on this subject consists of Honorable George Donworth, formerly District Judge for the Western District of Washington and member of the advisory committee appointed by the United States Supreme Court for the drafting of the new federal rules; the Honorable John S. Robinson, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington; Mr. Elwood Hutchinson, member of the Yakima Bar and winner of the Ross A. B. A. award in 1937, and Mr. L. B. Hamblen of Spokane, chairman. Already noted for their leadership in matters of judicial reform, the Bench and Bar of the state of Washington now have at their disposal the specific proposals formulated after careful study by these able men. Suggestions and criticisms from the Bar are invited and, in light of those received, further study will be given to this material before it is presented to the annual convention in July

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