Brucellosis - A major differential for juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Brucellosis is a Gram-negative, aerobic zoonotic infection acquired by Brucella species and transmitted from animals to humansthrough the ingestion of infected food products, direct contact with an infected animal, or inhalation of aerosols. Usually, thedisease remains undiagnosed due to lack of awareness and inadequate reporting and is a challenging health problem in tropicalcountries. We report a case of 16-year-old male presenting to us with chronic inflammatory symmetric polyarthritis misdiagnosedas juvenile idiopathic arthritis but later found to be suffering from brucellosis on reevaluation. Through this case report, we wouldlike to highlight the possibility and advantage of the high degree of suspicion for an infectious etiology responsible for arthritis inthe background of autoimmunity and would also like to emphasize on the possibility of Brucella inducing a false-positive responsefor young patients presenting with arthritis

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