Slide to Unlock: Creating a Technology-Integrated Environment for Our Students


The focus of this study is to explore how to support teachers in capitalizing on students’ technology skills, experiences, and preferences to offer enhanced teaching and learning experiences in school. Using a framework developed by Wagner et al. (2006), technology integration is systemically examined in terms of “4 Cs:” context, culture, conditions, and competencies to construct an “As-Is” picture of a school district based upon current realities. Next, a series of changes are proposed and the 4 Cs are used to describe the “To-Be” picture of the organization at the end of the proposed change journey. The three teachers who participated in this study used a protocol developed by the researcher with over 150 students that allowed the teachers to learn about their students’ technology skills, experiences, and preferences both in and outside of school. Information from the survey data was used by the researcher and participating teachers to co-plan technology-integrated projects that matched the students’ technology skills, experiences, and preferences. An analysis of the student projects and teacher interview data resulted in a set of eight strategies for educators, Creating a Technology-Integrated Environment for Our Students, presented in two themes. Theme one offers, Provide Technology-Integrated Student Learning Opportunities: (1) engage students by allowing choices; (2) share learning experiences (student-to-student; student-to-teacher); (3) create with digital tools, learn outside of school, and simplify learning experiences; and (4) practice student-centered assessment. Theme two offers, Provide a Technology- Integrated Environment: (5) seek student opinions and match tools with student interests; (6) build capacity in the classroom; (7) provide models for all teachers; and (8) allow students to take the lead

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