Trastornos fóbicos en pacientes adictos


En este artículo se hace énfasis dentro de los diversos trastornos a nivel cognitivo que sin duda constituyen una dimensión central en los fenómenos de adicción, en las ideas fóbicas como características clínicas comunes a las "personalidades adictivas". La metodología utilizada fueron entrevistas y evaluaciones con instrumentos que miden las tendencias fóbicas, la muestra estuvo conformada por 50 hombres, internos en una institución de rehabilitación, los cuales se encontraban en diferentes momentos de su tratamiento. Gracias al análisis de los resultados obtenidos pudimos establecer lo que hemos llamado los «trastornos fóbicos ligados al consumo en los pacientes adictos» que es una reflexión alrededor del vínculo adicto-trastornos cognitivos. ABSTRACT Drug users shows deficits in theirs cognitive functions. In sorne cases, the dependency on drugs is used to alleviate differents problems at this level. The drug can be conceived as an element capable of offering a solution to the combined symptoms of depression, anxiety, anguish and phobic behavior. The present study is centered on afear questionnaire, this instrument was used in clinical subjects (drugs users) and non clinical subjects (non drugs users). In general, the phobias are more common in drugs users than in the subjects of controlled groups. These results represent a presence of 80% percent more phobias in drug users. Conceming specific phobias, the agoraphobia is more frequent in clinical subjects although the results aren 't so different. The phobia ofblood and injuries is present in more than 100 percent of the drug users with relation to the subjects of control groups. The most important conclusions is that the present study demonstrates that the cognitive model suggest that avoidance behavior is an underlying structure found in phobic patients which is also valued avoidance behavior by drug users

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