

Bangladesh, born in 1971 and ranked by the World Bank Poverty Index 67^ among 78 countries (1997), still remains one of the least developed nations, devoid of the history of her own national dynasty, the basement of a concentration of autonomous powers and collaboration among the people. The inhabitants of Bangladesh, scattered and less solid, have been obliged-for their survival-to depend upon local bosses who have used these farmers for their own personal gain ; thus was established the basic form of "Patron-Client Relationship" which keeps the people of modern day Bangladesh from cultivating self-reliance, developing mutual cooperation amongst themselves, and creating an independent middle class. This so-called "clientelism" is also a seed bed of curruption. Everyone from major politicians to minor officials who retain any kind of vested rights indulges in lucrative dealings with businessmen through receiving a bribe called "speed money". Supervisors are bought and checks don\u27t function, so that, following the investigation published by Transparency International in the year 2002, only 4% of the cases charged with corruption have been convicted ; and finally, out of 102 countries surveyed, the Corruption Perception Index ranks this country at the very bottom at 102^. Are there any hopeful prospects for settling with this "endemic disease" of corruption and advancing the nation forward ? The solution must be carried out by entrepreneurs\u27 self-reliant efforts as well as by NGOs\u27 positive activities, all keeping a distance from politics

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