Hyperbonding can be a disruptive force in the learning community classroom characterized by non-productive student behaviors. Research has not identified how frequently hyperbonding occurs in learning communities or why. However, studies have begun to link hyperbonding to the presence of cohorts. I explain how cohorts form and develop, and how they may impact instructors teaching in learning community classrooms. I then discuss the ways instructor influence strategies coupled with a cohort presence may help to precipitate hyperbonding. Last, I turn to existing cohort literature in teacher education to identify what I believe are the most cogent recommendations to help prevent hyperbonding, which learning community instructors and directors can use to help manage and support their cohorts across learning community classes and programs.
Julie Watts is an Associate Professor of Technical and Professional Communication and an Associate Dean in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, WI