Talajtani vizsgálatok szerepe a tájkutatásokban : talajosztályozási rendszerünk korszerűsítési lehetőségeinek vizsgálata = The function of soil research in the landscape studies : examination of the modernization possibilities of the Hungarian soil-classification system


In the present study, two apparently different subdisciplines of geography science: the landscape science and the soil science from a specific viewpoint are discussed. Not only the prominent part of the soil – as abiogen element of the landscape – should be referred but another, more complex relationship has to be demonstrated, such as what connection exists between pedology research and a land-use change model. It is not accidental that the soil map of our Earth shows intense diversification … The soil, as an important landscape ecological subsystem is in close functional and structural connection with the other subsystems. Therefore, any changes of a subsystem have direct effect on the soil. In the first part of this essay we discuss the nature of land-use changes, the conceptional framework of the optimal land use and our research methods of the above-mentioned processes. In the second part of our study we provide a native soil classification method as well as a summary over the results of the World Soil Reference Basis’ valuation of what practical usage mainly can contribute in shaping an optimal land-use system of a given area

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