Identifying evidence-based strategies for reducing suicide in Missoula County: Findings from the Literature


Abstract In 2014, 35 people died by suicide in Missoula County, making this the highest year on record. This gives Missoula County a suicide rate of 31.5; almost three times the national average. Many suicide prevention strategies have been implemented in Missoula County across multiple levels- universal, selective, indicated and comprehensive. A literature review was conducted to identify evidence-based strategies for reducing suicide in Missoula County and to make recommendations for future programs and research. Relevant publications were found in Cochrane Library, SAGE Online Journals and PubMed databases using various search criteria related to suicide prevention. From a review of 21 articles related to suicide prevention strategies, best practices identified as effective were: public awareness campaigns, gatekeeper training, means restriction campaigns, follow-up care programs, and comprehensive awareness and responsiveness programs. A number of evidence-based practices to prevent suicide were identified. Comprehensive suicide prevention programs are especially promising strategies for Missoula County

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