Social and interpersonal relationship modifications after renal transplant. A statistic and epidemiologic evaluation


Introduction Kidney and liver transplants are the most frequent transplantation procedures carried out in Italy. We report the result of an epidemiological study on kidney transplanted patients resident in the Province of Messina (Italy). Methods Seventy-five patients were enrolled between June 2010 march 2011, interviewed and evaluated using an adapted Italian version short-form 36. Socio-economic characteristics, quality of life modifications and involvement in transplant-related charities were studied. The follow-up period was ranging between 52 and 356 months. All subjects gave written informed consent and all results were analysed by chi-square test. Results No statistically significant differences were found between sexes, social and interpersonal relationship modifications. Discussion The benefits obtained on quality of life after trans- plantation is the prerogative of a small percentage of patients and is related to medium and high socio-economic conditions. The possibility of avoiding the haemodialysis represents the primary benefit for the totality of patients

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