Critical Analysis and Evaluation of the UAE Twelfth Grade Students’ Language Instructional Material Based on the Set Goals and Objectives


Textbook is in the heart of any language teaching and learning program as it relieves some pressure placed on teachers’ shoulders, provides students with a sense of progress and cohesion as well as providing education systems with the main structure by which they work and function. Therefore, great attention is paid to this critical area of research by syllabi developers and designers in addition to educationalists, scholars and researchers as a way to improve second language teaching and learning. One of main areas that concerns with the development of textbooks is to evaluate such textbooks to meet students’ needs in accordance with the intended goals and objectives. The current research focuses on evaluating the UAE twelfth grade students’ language textbook to check its compatibility, in terms of layout, topic and design, with the goals and objectives as set by the UAE educational process’s decision makers. Some recommendations for the effective use of the current instructional material as well as some suggestions for future research are provided

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