Cross-cultural validity and equivalency of oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL) measurement for Korean older adults


Introduction: Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) is a widely used psychometric instrument or scale developed in English to measure Oral Health-related Quality of Life (OHQoL), and there has been many translations of the instrument into other languages, including Korean. Purpose: My thesis examines the validity and cultural equivalence of the English and Korean versions of the scale by answering the questions: “What methods are available to validate the cultural equivalence of psychometric instruments?” and “How culturally appropriate and valid is the Korean version of the short-form of the OHIP (OHIP-14K)?" Method: Ten Korean dental experts fluent in English and Korean independently assessed the clarity, relevance, and cultural equivalence of the OHIP-14K and offered suggestions for improving the cultural sensitivity and validity of the instrument content. The item-level Content Validity Index (I-CVI) was used to measure the validity of each item from the experts’ ratings followed by the calculation of Scale-level Content Validity Index (S-CVI) as the proportion of content valid items. Additional analyses including the average deviation index (ADM) and Kappa statistics (Kfree) were performed with the clarity index (CI), relevance index (RI) and cultural equivalence index (CEI) to measure the level of agreement between the experts. Results: The experts rated the OHIP-14K as mostly clear (S-CVI= 0.93), but they were concerned about the relevance of many items to the expected domains of the instrument (S-CVI = 0.42) and about its cultural equivalence (S-CVI = 0.50) to the English version. However, there was much disagreement between the experts as measured by the RI (Kfree = 0.19 to 1.00) and CEI (ADM = 0.36 to 0.96). Conclusion: The relevance and cultural equivalence of the OHIP-14K to the original English version of the OHIP-14 are not strong. Suggestions are offered for improving the OHIP-14K, which needs further testing within the Korean populations.Dentistry, Faculty ofGraduat

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