Zachowania przestępcze jako styl życia


Imbedded characterized by a peculiar lack of responsibility, particularly in relation to the acts committed. Respondents clearly put the pleasure in life, but sometimes it would seem that the hierarchy of values has slightly changed (but not in all presented cases). All subjects come from pathological environments that used corporal punishment against them, so their interactions with the environment are disturbed from their earliest years of life. Many respondents adopt their own scripts of a life of a loser, often refusing to accept this state of affairs and blaming elements of the outside world for it: their environment, harsh conditions, lack of family warmth and of adequate emotional ties. Respondents evinced emotional hyperactivity (restlessness, aggression) from early age. They cause educational problems at school (truancy, drugs, minor offenses), grow to crime often in reformatories or correctional institutions and increasingly identify with criminal lifestyle

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