
Danau Tempe merupakan tipe danau rawa banjiran yang dikenal sebagai danau yang banyak menghasilkan ikan air tawar di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian status trofik dan estimasi potensi produksi ikan di Danau Tempe dilakukan pada bulan Pebruari-Nopember 2010, bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terkini tentang status trofik dan potensi produksi ikan pada perairan danau. Penelitian bersifat survei lapangan dan analisis di laboratorium. Survei dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali mewakili musim kemarau dan musim penghujan. Pengukuran parameter kualitas air dilaksanakan di sepuluh stasion yang dipilih secara purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air Danau tempe masih ideal mendukung kehidupan dan perkembanganbiakan ikan serta organisme air lainnya sebagai pakan ikan.  Status trofik perairan Danau Tempe sesuai kriteria Trophic Status Index, mempunyai indeks rata-rata 56,6 - 59,8 dengan status “eutrofik ringan”, ditandai melimpahnya tumbuhan air di perairan danau.  Angka potensi produksi ikan berkisar antara 69-148 kg/ha/tahun dengan nilai rata-rata 95 kg/ha/tahun. Dengan luasan Danau Tempe antara 15.000-20.000 hektar menghasilkan produksi ikan antara 1428 -1904 ton/tahun. Lake Tempe is a floodplain lake that produces a lot of freshwater fish in South Sulawesi Province. Research on trophic status and estimation of potential fish production in Lake Tempe was conducted from February-November, 2010. Aim of this study was to obtain information on the current condition of the trophic status and potential fish production in the lake waters. This study is based on the field survey and analysis in the laboratory. Surveys were conducted  4 times to represent the dry and rainy seasons, and water quality parameter measurements were carried out at ten stations selected purposively. The results shows that water quality parameters of Lake Tempe was still quite ideal to support aquatic life and the development of fish and other aquatic organisms as fish food. Trophic status of Tempe Lake waters according to the Trophic State Index (TSI) had mean index of 56,6 to 59,8 with state of mild eutrophic by indicating the abundance of aquatic plants. Potential fish production in Lake Tempe ranged from 69 to 148 kg/ha/year with an average value of 95 kg/ha/year. In normal conditions, the vast waters of Lake Tempe ranged between 15000-20000 hectares produce fish between 1428 to 1904 tons / year

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