Learning and Teaching in the Knowledge Society: Challenges and Potentials


The knowledge society is a changing society in which information expands rapidly and circulates continuously around the globe; money and capital flow in a restless and relentless search for new investment opportunities; organizations continually restructure themselves; government policies undergo volatile shifts as electorates become more and more capricious; and multicultural migration keeps reconstituting the communities in which we live. There are many aspects of the era of the knowledge society. Also, there are many factors and agents that can facilitate or hinder the transition to the knowledge society. This paper will just focus on teachers’ concerns and roles on the knowledge society. The paper will start by introducing the students’ concerns as end-users of the educational services. Then I will move on to introduce what knowledge society means and what are the roles and responsibility in this era and how can we support teachers in the knowledge society to develop and be helped to develop capacities for taking risks, dealing with change, and undertaking inquiries when new demands and novel problems repeatedly confront them. Keywords: learning, teaching, knowledge, challenges, potential

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