
Dance activities for preschool-aged children


Danas živimo u vremenu gdje je tehnologija zasjenila mnoge važne stvari u životima odraslih i djece. Već djeca u ranoj vrtićkoj dobi posežu za tehnološkim inputima kao što su računalo, mobitel i sl. Odgojitelji/učitelji, kao i roditelji i vršnjaci mogu izrazito utjecati na kretanje svoje djece, stvarati navike osnovnih kretnih kao i plesnih struktura te im na taj način ograničiti pretjeranu uporabu tehnologije koja može imati različite negativne utjecaje. Ples, osim što pruža prevenciju od različitih bolesti,oslobađa dijete stresa i uči ga kako izraziti svoje emocije i različite unutarnje konflikte pokretom. Cilj ovoga rada je osvijestiti druge odgojitelje i ostale prosvjetne radnike kolika je zaista važnost plesa koji prožimlje dijete u svim njegovim razvojnim aspektima. Na odabir teme rada, utjecalo je osobno 20-godišnje osobno plesno iskustvo autorice i interes za ovim umjetničkim područjem.Modern technology has taken the place of many important things in the life of adults and children. Even preschool children reach out for technological devices such as personal computers and cellular phones. Preschool teachers, as well as parents and peers, have a great impact on their students/children/friends and can guide them learn basic movement and dancing structures that could eventually become a habit and set the limits of using technology that can have a negative effects. Dance may be used as prevention from various illnesses as well as stess – liberation technique. It also teaches a child to express his/her emotions and potential inner conflicts through movement. The aim oft his seminar is to point out the importance of dancing a child's development to other teachers. The author of this seminar chose the topic because of her personal 20-year-long dancing experience and her interes in this field of art

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