Dynamic Quantization using Spike Generation Mechanisms


This paper introduces a neuro-inspired co-ding/decoding mechanism of a constant real value by using a Spike Generation Mechanism (SGM) and a combination of two Spike Interpretation Mechanisms (SIM). One of the most efficient and widely used SGMs to encode a real value is the Leaky-Integrate and Fire (LIF) model which produces a spike train. The duration of the spike train is bounded by a given time constraint. Seeking for a simple solution of how to interpret the spike train and to reconstruct the input value, we combine two different kinds of SIMs, the time-SIM and the rate-SIM. The time-SIM allows a high quality interpretation of the neural code and the rate-SIM allows a simple decoding mechanism by couting the spikes. The resulting coding/decoding process, called the Dual-SIM Quantizer (Dual-SIMQ), is a non-uniform quantizer. It is shown that it coincides with a uniform scalar quantizer under certain assumptions. Finally, it is also shown that the time constraint can be used to control automatically the reconstruction accuracy of this time-dependent quantizer

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