Concomitant B1 Field in Low-Field MRI: Potential Contributions to TRASE Image Artefacts


International audienceTRansmit Array Spatial Encoding (TRASE) MRI uses trains of rf pulses produced by transmit coils which generate transverse fields of uniform magnitude and spatially varying directions. These coils also unavoidably generate concomitant rf fields, which in turn affect magnetisation dynamics during rf flips in low-field NMR. Bloch's equation are numerically solved to show that π-pulses imperfectly reverse transverse magnetisation and that the resulting error in azimuthal angle linearly increases with B1/B0, with the number of pulses in the TRASE pulse train, and with distance from the coil axis in the sample. This may induce significant image distortions or artefacts. Supporting experiments performed at 2 mT will be reported

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