
The Aguablanca Cu-Ni(PGE) intraplutonic ore deposit (Extremadura, Spain). Isotope (Sr, Nd, S) consfraints on the source and evolution of magmas and sulfides


The Aguablanca Cu-Ni(PGE) ore is a case of an intraplutonic ore deposito It is hosted by mafic and ultramafic cumulates of the Aguablanca Stock, which is part of the larger calcalkaline Santa Olalla Plutonic Complex of 359±18Ma age (Rb-Sr whole rock determination). Primary mineralization consists of pyrrothite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite and resulted from the crystallization of an inmiscible sulfiderich liquid. Several stages of hydrothermal alteration are superimposed. Isotope work on the host igneous rocks (Sr, Nd) and the ore (S), suggests that contamination with a crustalsource took place at some depth before final emplacement of the plutons (ε Nd360= -5.8 to -7.2; Sr(360) = 0.7082 to 0.7103; (δ14S(sulfides) near + 7.4‰). Assimilation - fractional crystallization (AFC) processes are invoked to explain de chemical variability of magmas

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