
The relationship between realistic and free color selection in the visual expression of preschool-aged children


Završni rad Odnos realističnog i slobodnog odabira boje u likovnom izrazu djece rane predškolske dobi sadrži teorijsko znanje o boji te istraživanje izvedeno putem praktične aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću „Đakovo“. Uzorak se sastojao od 20 djece, 10 radova iz mlađe skupine te 10 radova iz starije skupine. Kvalitativnom analizom dječjih radova provjerile su se postavljene hipoteze, kako bi se provjerilo koliko će realno djeca likovno izraziti boje na crtežu s motivom viđenog voća i povrća te utvrditi razlike u prikazu s obzirom na dob. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja ispunili su očekivanja; analizirajući dječje radova dobila sam potvrdu da su djeca u mlađoj dobnoj skupini od 3-4 godine sposobna prikazati stvaran i realan prikaz boja motiva na crtežu kao i starija dobna skupina od 5-6 godina.Final work the relationship between realistic and free color selection in the artistic expression of early pre-school children includes theoretical knowledge of color and research carried out through practical activities in the Đakovo pre-school The sample consisted of 20 children, 10 works from the younger group and 10 works from the older group. Qualitative analysis of child labor, hypotheses are being tested to determine how well the art-colored paint on a drawing with the motif of seen fruit and vegetables will determine the difference in age view. The results of this research have met expectations; analyzing children's work, I got the confirmation that children in the younger age group of 3-4 years are able to present a real and realistic picture of paint motifs on the drawing as well as an older age group of 5-6 years

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