Circular No. 47 - Celery Culture for Utah


At one time practically all the celery consumed in Utah was shipped from California and eastern states. It was soon discovered, however, that celery could be raised in Utah, and as the population increased more and more acres were utilized in the production of this crop. Very little found its way to the outside markets, but what little did get out was well received because of its very high quality. Men who travel say that Utah Celery on the menu on trains and in hotels means the best there is in celery. Within recent years several carloads have been shipped from this state, and there appears to be a rapidly increasing demand for more. With the growth in celery culture came the trial of many varieties, and at some unknown time, the introduction of a variety or varieties of superior quality variously known as Chinese or Salt Lake. The source is not definitely known. However, they are popularly supposed to be sports of Giant Pascal. Recently the State Horticultural Society of Utah gave one of the sports the name of Utah. This is undoubtedly the product which has given Utah-grown celery such a good reputation since it is crisp, white, not overlarge, not stringy, and has a sweet nutty flavor not usually found in other varieties

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