
Initial trace of positive solutions of a class of degenerate heat equation with absorption


We study the initial value problem with unbounded nonnegative functions or measures for the equation \prt_tu-\Gd_p u+f(u)=0 in \BBR^N\ti(0,\infty) where p>1p>1, \Gd_p u = \text{div}(\abs {\nabla u}^{p-2} \nabla u) and ff is a continuous, nondecreasing nonnegative function such that f(0)=0f(0)=0. In the case p>2NN+1p>\frac{2N}{N+1}, we provide a sufficient condition on ff for existence and uniqueness of the solutions satisfying the initial data k\gd_0 and we study their limit when kk\to\infty according f1f^{-1} and F1/pF^{-1/p} are integrable or not at infinity, where F(s)=\int_0^s f(\gs)d\gs. We also give new results dealing with non uniqueness for the initial value problem with unbounded initial data. If p>2p>2, we prove that, for a large class of nonlinearities ff, any positive solution admits an initial trace in the class of positive Borel measures. As a model case we consider the case f(u)=u^\ga \ln^\gb(u+1), where \ga>0 and \gb\geq 0

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