PROBE: Preparedness and Response - Online Bioterrorism Education: case study II


Terrorism and the resulting geo-political state of affairs have created a need for health professionals to be well prepared for bioterror. In our socio-political climate we need a rational approach to managing public perceptions and need to be able to lead an appropriate response to suspected bioterror events. This website was created as a resource for public health professionals interested in learning how to be more effective at preparing for and responding to a terrorist attack using bioweapons.\ud \ud Who is involved: The Anton Breinl Centre for Public Health and Tropical Medicine (ABC) at James Cook University, has particular expertise in disaster/emergency management, biological agents that constitute the greatest threat, and the sociology of terror. The ABC was the first institution in Australia to develop a bioterrorism course.\ud \ud What is PROBE? The PROBE (Preparedness & Response - Online Bioterrorism Education) project designs and develops multimedia-based, interactive decision support simulation modules for training and support of health professionals in the management of bioterrorism events in an Australian context.\ud \ud PROBE modules provide knowledge and experience that to enhance ability to make timely and appropriate decisions to management of bioterrorism events.\ud \ud In the foundation chapters, students develop an awareness of the increased focus and attention on bioterrorism research and preparedness and explore the implications for the public health sector.\ud \ud Throughout each case, you will be required to make decisions which will assess your current state of knowledge about the agent. If you obtain at least 75% in a section, you will be allowed to progress, otherwise, you will need to repeat the section until you pass. At the end, a Certificate will be issued with your name on it (providing that you entered your name). You will be able to print this Certificate up as proof of completion

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