LUCIDE City Report – London


This report is produced for LUCIDE (Languages in Urban Contexts: Integration and Diversity in Europe) project and network, funded by the EU Lifelong learning programme 2010-2014, based on the collected primary and secondary data. It includes a brief historic overview of London’s demolinguistic features and a range of evidence relevant to current manifestations and positioning of multilingualism in this global city. Considering the size, population and complexity of London our specific focus is on one local authority (out of existing 33): the City of Westminster, geographically the heart of this metropolis. Westminster is in many ways representative of London language trends. It shows some of the most prominent features of multilingualism in London: an extraordinary linguistic variety, very random distribution and consistent increases in the number of speakers and languages. Nevertheless, we also make reference to examples of multilingualism from outside Westminster, when we have considered it to be pertinent

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