Surgery of Parasplenial Arteriovenous Malformation with Preservation of vision


Parasplenial arteriovenous malformations(AVMs) are rare vascular malformations which have distinct clinical and anatomical features. They are situated at the confluence of the hippocampus, isthmus of the cingulate gyrus and the gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis. These lesions are anterior to the calcarine sulcus and their apex extends towards the medial surface of the trigonum. Posterolaterally, these lesions are in close proximity to the visual cortex and optic radiation. The objectives in the surgery of parasplenial AVMs are complete resection of the lesions and preservation of vision. These objectives must be achieved with comprehensive understanding of the following anatomical features:1) the deep central location of the lesions within eloquent brain tissue;2) the lack of cortical representation of the AVMs that requires retraction of visual cortex;3) deep arterial supply;4) deep venous drainage; 5) juxtaposition to the choroid plexus with which arterial supply and venous drainage are shared. A 16-year-old female student presented with intraventricular hemorrhage from a right parasplenial-subtrigonal AVM. The lesion, fed by posterior cerebral artery and drained into the vein of Galen, was successfully treated by the inter-hemispheric parietooccipital approach. To avoid visual field defect a small incision was made on precuneus anterior to the calcarine sulcus. In this report, the authors describe a surgical approach with special consideration on preservation of visual field.ope

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