Thoracic trauma : 156 patient assessment


Amaç: Travma nedeniyle acil servise başvuran hastaların, ölüm nedenlerinin önde gelen sebeplerinden önemli bir kısmını, toraks travmaları oluşturmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Antakya Devlet Hastanesi ve Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde 2008-2010 yılları arasında kliniğimize başvuran 156 toraks travmalı hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların 95’i erkek, 61’i kadındı. Yaş ortalaması künt travmalarda (18-65), penetran travmalarda (13-55) idi. Bulgular: Hastaların 112 ‘si künt, 44’ü penetran toraks travması nedeniyle başvurdu.Doksan hastada kot fraktürü, 11 hastada klavikula, 9 hastada skapula, 10 hastada sternum fraktürü mevcuttu. İlave olarak 20 hastada yelken göğüs deformitesi saptandı. En sık intratorasik komplikasyon olarak 60 pnömotoraks, 20 hastada hemotoraks, 15 hastada kontüzyo akciğer saptandı. Hastaların 81’ine tüp torakostomi, 10 hastaya mekanik ventilasyon, 6’sına torakotomi, uygulandı. Hastaların ortalama hastanede yatış süresi (7-14) olarak belirlendi. Sonuç: Toraks yaralanmaları hastalar zaman kaybedilmeden acil travmatoloji deneyimi olan genel cerrahi, göğüs cerrahi, ortopedi, beyin cerrahi ve anestezi uzmanlarından oluşan multidisipliner bir ekip tarafından karşılanmalı ve tedavi edilmelidir. Özellikle penetran travmaların genç nesilde artma eğiliminde olması dikkat çekici olmalıdır.Objective: To assess trauma patients admitted to the emergency services, because a significant portion of the thoracic trauma cases make up the leading cause of death. Materials and Methods: 156 patients with chest trauma in our clinic admitted to the Antakya public hospital and medical school at the University of Mustafa Kemal between 2008-2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Of the patients, 95 were male and 61 female. The average age of patients with blunt trauma was 18-65years, and with penetrating trauma 13-55. Results: Of the admitted patients,112 had blunt, and 44 had penetrating chest trauma. Rib fractures were present in 90 patients, clavicle in 11 patients,scapula in nine patients, and 10 patients had fracture of the sternum. In addition,flail chest deformity was detected in 20 patients. Pneumothorax was the most common intrathoracic complication in 60 patients, hemothorax in 20 patients, and lung contusion in 15 patients. 81 tubes were inserted in patients with thoracotomy, mechanical ventilation was performed in 10 patients, and thoracotomy in 6. The mean duration of hospitalization was 7-14 days. Conclusion: Patients with chest injuries and traumatology must be met and treated by a multidisciplinary team of experts in thoracic surgery, orthopedics, brain surgery and anesthesia, without losing the experience of emergency general surgery as soon as possible. Penetrating trauma, especially in the younger generation, tends to be increased

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