Evaluation of grants given to maintain semi-natural grasslands in Nord-Trøndelag, Central-Norway


Since 1993, Norwegian governmental subsidies have been applied to preserve valuable semi-natural grasslands in Norway. After 8 years of management and payments, the effects of the subsidies were investigated in the county of Nord-Trøndelag. The intention of the subsidies, to secure both open landscapes and biodiversity, was not obtained due to a general lack of knowledge of ecology and biodiversity at all levels. This clearly demonstrates the importance of knowledge and information exchange between scientists, authorities, politicians and farmers to secure maintenance of the most valuable semi-natural grasslands. In addition, transdisciplinary research and exchange of knowledge between archaeologists, historians and ecologists are necessary to preserve the most valuable cultural landscapes with regard to both biodiversity and cultural monuments. This study was presented at the EGF meeting 21-24 June 2004, Luzern, Switzerland.Evaluation of grants given to maintain semi-natural grasslands in Nord-Trøndelag, Central-NorwaypublishedVersio

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