Monitoring the Conformity to the Unemployment Insurance Law in Binh Duong province between 2013 and 2015


From the context of Binh Duong province, I choose the issues of unemployment law monitor as the topic of my master thesis. In order words, my topic is “Monitoring the Conformity to the Unemployment Insurance Law in Binh Duong province between 2013 and 2015”. Binh Duong is an emerging province that is a place for FDI companies to choose for their investment. The labor migration to Binh Duong then increases considerably. This situation challenges the unemployment insurance management in this province. The control of managing and implementing the unemployment insurance legislation is not effective. The number of unemployment insurance inspections is low that leads to the violation of unemployment insurance law. The post-inspection and inspection process in some localities has not received serious attention from the government. The ineffective monitoring of post-inspection has hindered the quality and efficiency of inspections. For examining the monitor of unemployment law, the thesis uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The thesis firstly collects secondary data on implementation of the unemployment insurance law in enterprises in Binh Duong from 2013 to 2016. Then the thesis uses quantitative to examine the factors that influence the obedience of the enterprise in Binh Duong to unemployment insurance. Thirdly, the thesis uses case study, deep-interview to discover the reasons that cause the law disobedience about unemployment insurance in enterprises in Binh Duong. The sample size is 100. Likert Scale with 5 point is used. For quantitative data, the thesis use SPSS 20.0 to carry out regression analysis to examine the relation between dependent variable (law conformity) and independent variables developed in theoretical framework. Coefficient rate is 95% with p = 0.5%. The process of analyzing data was conducted through 4 phases that are descriptive, reliability, validity and regression analysis. There is the strong relation between IT Application and Law Compliance Monitor. The other three factors (Profession of Public Servants, Labor Union and Relevant State Organizations, The reinforced legal status Social Insurance Organization) also had positive effects on Law Compliance Monitor and these predictors should be used in developing and improving Law Compliance. However, one remaining factor including Volume of Cost did not have impact on Law Compliance Monitor

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