Design and implementation of web-based cognitive behavioural therapy intervention methods for management of mental wellbeing


Web-based interventions are capable of providing support for those who are unable or unwilling to get help for their mental health problems through conventional channels. Cognitive behavioural therapy is especially suited for delivery via the Internet. Transformation of treatments for web platform involves several challenges, which include implementation of understandable user guidance and motivational feedback. This thesis examines the design issues of web-based interventions by studying existing interventions and guidelines from persuasive technology. Identified persuasive strategies and psychological theories are applied in the design and implementation of a portal for management of mental wellbeing. The focus of the portal is on issues caused by stress and insufficient recovery. The portal and its intervention methods are evaluated in user studies and by expert evaluations. The results indicate that the approach is promising and beneficial at least for part of the users, but the intervention structure needs to be improved and built-in motivational strategies require further work to make the portal better suitable for independent use.   Asiasanat:Web-based intervention, computer-aided cognitive behavioural therapy, persuasive technology, personal health syste

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