Empowering People : Collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries


The success and strength of the university libraries are due to motivated, keen and skillful people. Today collaboration and knowledge sharing play a crucial role both within and between organizations. Empowering people: Collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries is about people and collaboration in the context of human resource development at the University of Namibia Library. Empowering people provides both practice-oriented and research-based approaches to important themes in the field of university libraries. It covers the information seeking behaviour of academic staff and students, collection and research support services, information literacy education, scholarly communication and scientific publishing. Staff competence management and evidence-based librarianship are introduced as methods for coping in the changing environment. Empowering people is the outcome of collaboration between three university libraries, those of the University of Namibia, the University of Tampere and the University of Helsinki

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