The Australian economy: Your guide


In today's world, many people wish that they had an understanding of economics, and of the Australian economy and how it operates. This book is designed to provide people who have little or no knowledge of economics with a clear and understandable up-to-date commentary on the Australian economy. This book does what most other books on the subject of economics are yet to achieve-it makes economics interesting, understandable and very relevant! The use of technical theories and concepts has been avoided; instead the book clearly explains all the information a reader will require to be able to discuss government policy, international trade, the financial sector, and the economy's main industries (agriculture, manufacturing, mining and services). For readers who are unfamiliar with economics, a comprehensive glossary has been provided. This contains short, clear definitions of any words or terms that the reader is likely to want. Words that appear in the glossary are written in bold in the text on their first use in each chapter. In such a contemporary book as this, it is inevitable that the economy will change over time. The reader may wish to update data using the relevant websites referenced in the figures and tables in the book. I trust that this book will enhance your interest and understanding of all that involves the Australian economy, and its place in the world

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