Not Available


Not AvailableThe variety Phule Bhaskar was evaluated in Station Trials (2009-2014), University Multilocation Trials (2009-2014), State Population Trials (2009-2014) and in All India Coordinated Initial Hybrid Trial (2011). The variety Phule Bhaskar consistently and significantly recorded the higher seed yield than all the checks included in respective trials. On the basis of overall mean performance of 116 trials, the variety Phule Bhaskar (1807 kg ha-1) had shown 21.3, 27.7, 66.0, 77.5, 21.8, 32.0 and 10.9 per cent increased seed yield over the check Bhanu, SS-56, LSF-8, Morden, Phule Raviraj, GK-2002 and TNAUSUF-7 respectively. The mean oil content of variety Phule Bhaskar had 37.9 per cent as against the standard checks Bhanu (36.0 %) and SS-56 (36.2 %). In addition to seed yield, the variety Phule Bhaskar has several advantages over the checks. The sunflower variety Phule Bhaskar comprises most of the desired attributes such as black and bold seed size (5.20 g. per 100 seed weight), higher seed yield (18.07q/ha), more potential seed yield (31.63 q/ha), high oil content (37.9 %), low hull content (24.4%) and early maturity (85 days). The cultivar Phule Bhaskar (SS-0808) was found moderately resistant to Alternaria leaf spot, Bud Necrosis and Powdery mildew. The cultivar Phule Bhaskar has shown minimum and comparable incidence of leaf hoppers, thrips, defoliators, helicoverpa and stem borer. Phule Bhaskar is recommended for release for cultivation under rainfed conditions in Maharashtra state during kharif season.Not Availabl

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