Morpho-physiological characterization of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes for grain yield under timely sown irrigated condition of upper IGPs


The study was carried out to evaluate the morpho-physiological traits of eight aromatic genotypes of rice and their association with yield. The results indicated that highest genetic variability was observed in days to panicle initiation (PI), flowering (FL) and physiological maturity (PM), plant height, panicle length, grains per panicle, total dry matter (TDM) and grain yield. The highest grain yield was observed in Vallabh 21 (4.82 t ha-1) whereas; Taroari Basmati produced lowest (2.07 t ha-1). Total dry matter (TDM) at harvest varied from 11.44 to 14.69 t ha-1 and genotypes proved their photosynthetic radiation use efficiency (PRUE) in the rangeof 10.1 to 15.3(m mole CO2 mole-1 photon). PRUE showed a highly significant (p<0.05) and positive relation with TDM (r = 0.80 * * ) and grain yield (r = 0.66 * * ). Strong correlation between photosynthetic rate and grain yield suggest that higher leaf photosynthesis rate should be considered for improving potential productivity of aromatic rice. Highly significant correlation for yield was also noticed with panicle length (r= 0.421 * * ), grains per panicle (r=0.50 * * ), 1000 grains weight (r=0.58 * * ), TDM at harvest (r=0.486 * * ) and photosynthesis rate (r=0.386 * * ). A negative correlation was established between TDM with harvest index and LAI with plant height. The principal component analysis (PCA) was performed for all the morpho-physiological traits of rice genotypes. Out of 28 variables under study, eight PC’s exhibited more than one ‘Eigen value’ explaining 74.6 per cent variability among the traits. The highest variability was observed in TDM at harvest, flowering days, test weight, plant height, physiological maturity days, grains per panicle, panicle initiation days and panicle length which highly emphasized that these parameters are very vital for crop simulation models

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