Standard Operating Procedures for AICRP Trials


Not AvailablePotato is a unique crop very responsive to environment, but its phenological stages are not clearly visible especially in the subtropics. The system of AICRP started in the early 70s when the need for a system to test varieties at different locations and develop Best Management Practices before their release was felt. High yielding varieties and agro techniques developed at CPRI are tested and adapted through a network of AICRP centres. The mandate of AICRPs is not only the testing of varieties and agro techniques but also identification of location specific problems and their solutions. When experiments are conducted at many locations and many personnel are involved, it is necessary that common methodology is followed so that the results can be compared across locations. Proper care has also to be taken in recording observations so that we can understand the crop phenology vis a vis the environment. Thus, there is a need to delineate a uniform set of essential observations that have to be recorded in all the experiments which would help express the phenology of the crop as affected by the environment or treatments. Moreover, such a systematic list of observations would help to adopt a systematic analysis protocol. Further, the personnel conducting the trials at different centres are of widely different background, hence, well described protocols for conduct of the trials as well as recording observations would reduce the human errors in recording of observations. Hence, it is felt that this bulletin on standard operating procedures will give clearcut guidelines for the personnel involved for conduct of field experiments and recording the observations.Not Availabl

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