Efficient paper recycling


Used paper and paper products are important raw material for paper and board industry. Paper recycling increases the material lifespan and is a key strategy that contributes to savings of primary raw material, reduction of energy and chemicals consumption, reduction of the impact on fresh water and improvement of waste management strategies. The paper recycling rate is still highly inhomogeneous among the countries of Central Europe. Since recovered paper is not only recycled in the country where it has been produced and consumed, some essential features such as eco-design and eco-collection concepts must be developed at transnational level to increase the sustainability of the paper loop. The project EcoPaperLoop addresses these needs of the regions related to paper recycling by creating a clear picture on participating region’s status, by enhancing the awareness about recyclability issues as well as by improving and sharing the collective knowledge base on available technologies and practices. To put paper recycling, in terms of yield and quality, into optimum practice all across Europe, however, appropriate paper recycling strategies are of utmost importance. In present paper some findings about paper recyclability, paper recycling strategies and legislation issues will be presented

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