Not Available


Not AvailableWind erosion is the most noticeable land degradation process in the hot arid region of India that covers about 16% of the geographical area of India. It results into loss of considerable amount of nutrient-rich particles from the region. Field investigations were carried out in a rangeland site located at Jaisalmer centre of Central Arid Zone Research Institute in the province of western Rajasthan to quantify the nutrient loss through wind erosion. The aeolian mass fluxes (M L-2 T-1) were collected at four different heights: 0.25 m, 0.50 m, 0.75 m, and 2 m above land surface. Analysis of eroded soil was performed using Foss Heraeus CHN-O-rapid elemental analyzer. The results have revealed an average loss of 4 g C kg-1 and 0.37 g N kg-1. Present study shows that the C and N content in eroded soils were highest during the month of July and the accumulated annual loss was approximated as 45.9 kg C ha-1 and 4.3 kg N ha-1. To mitigate such appreciable soil nutrient losses through wind erosion, suitable rangeland utilization practices, which can help to retain the soil health and would also support the crop/grassland productivity in arid ecosystem, need to be evolved on priority.Not Availabl

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