Not Available


Not AvailableGroundnut or peanut (Arachishypogaea L.) is an annual legume of indeterminate growth habit and it's primarily grown for its high quality edible oil (44–56%) and easily digestible protein (22–30%) in its seeds. Groundnut seeds also contain carbohydrates (10–25%), a rich source of vitamins (E, K, and B complex), minerals (Ca, P, Mg, Zn, and Fe), and fiber. It is utilized directly as food or used in confections. The use of edible large/bold seeded groundnut kernels is generally referred as confectionery, and Hand Picked Selection (HPS) groundnut. Globally 50 per cent of groundnut produce is used for oil extraction, 38 per cent for confectionary use and 12 per cent for seed purpose. In India, about 80 per cent is used for oil extraction, 11 per cent as seeds, 8 per cent as direct food and one per cent for export to other countries (Sharma et al., 2017). Edible groundnuts are consumed or utilized in a variety of ways. Important among them are peanut butter, roasted and salted kernels, preparation of candies and kernels are flaked as cake or biscuit decoration. Apart from the above uses, HPS groundnut is also recently used in the preparation of protein concentrates and protein isolates. Quality requirements of HPS groundnut largely depend on the end use of the commodity. Quality requirements for HPS groundnut kernels are cleanliness, fully developed, regular and uniform shape, pink/light brown colour, tender and crisp kernel with relatively soft texture, nutty and sweetflavor, ease of blanching (>60%),moisture content of 5%, <1% free fatty acid (FFA) content, aflatoxin free(below 5 ppb), greater proportion of sound mature kernels (SMK), 100 seed weight exceeding 55 g, >11% of sugar content, high O/L ratio, high protein (>30%) and low oil content (<45%). Since oil content affects cooking time, it is important only when groundnuts are used for roasting. Seed mass is another important attribute to confectionary quality; however like yield and yield parameters, it is highly influenced by environment. The taste and sensory attributes of roasted groundnuts are associated with carbohydrate components of the kernel. Seed colour and shape and flavor are the other important confectionary attributes. Blanchability is removal of testa or seed coat (skin) from raw or roasted groundnuts and this attribute is of economic importance in processed groundnut food products, which include peanut butter, salted groundnuts, candies, and bakery products and groundnut flour. The premium price for the export quality of confectionery groundnut was high compared to normal produce. There are many varieties having most of the useful confectionery traits like BAU 13, GJG- HPS-1, TKG 19A, ICGV 86564, GG 20, Birsa Bold 1, ICGV 92206, ICGV 90173, Somnath and Mallika which can be cultivated as confectionery groundnut at target locations.Not Availabl

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