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Not AvailableThe hexon genes of Indian isolates of EDS-76 virus, comprising of two chicken isolates (CEDS-1& CEDS-2) and one quail isolate (QEDS) and the reference strain BC-14 were amplified, targeting the variable region (L1 to L4). The 1901bp PCR product was cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide and the amino acid sequences were analysed in comparison to the published sequences of the European EDS-76 isolate (EEU) and Chinese isolate of quail origin (QEC), which revealed the differences of 0.1% in nucleotide and 0.2% in amino acid sequences existing amongst the Indian isolates and with that of the reference strain BC-14. The CEDS-1 was showing more variations from other two Indian isolates (CEDS-2 and QEDS) and the reference strain that is 0.4% in nucleotide and 0.6% in amino acid sequences. The Indian isolates and the BC-14 strain had shown slight variation from that of the European chicken isolates and showing more than 5% variation from Chinese quail isolate. The BC-14 and EEU viruses were found of the same origin with 99.9% similarity. All the Indian EDS-76 virus isolates including the quail isolate had the similar lineage where as the Chinese quail isolate had a separate unique lineage as observed by Phylogenetic studies.ICA

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