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Not AvailableAn optoelectric sensor based digital seedling counter was developed for measuringseedling spacing and for detecting the flow of seedlings through the seedling delivery tube. It was placed on the seedling delivery tube through which the seedlings were transferred to the ground from the metering mechanism. The performance of the developed sensor was evaluated both in the soil binas well as in actual field conditions. Seedling spacing was calculated with the signals obtained from optical sensor in data acquisition system (DAS) whereas seedling flow was counted by processed signals in microcontroller based digital seedling counter in soil bin conditions. The seedling spacing was calculated by measuring the output of the optical sensor over time and seedling flow was calculated writing a program in the circuit, to convert the optical sensor output to calculate number of seedling falls. Number of seedling falls was programmed to be calculated and digitally displayed on the tractor dashboard whereas seedling flow was seen in the display of oscilloscope by output signals i.e. voltage over time. The developed sensor could successfully sense the seedling fall through the delivery tube, counted it and displayed it digitally. It provided information to the operator regarding flow of plants in the tube. The seedling spacing obtained in the soil bin and field conditions varied from 0+1.5 cm and 0±3 cm, respectively for the entire range of speeds and seedlings selected. Number of seedlings counted manually and by sensor for both soil bin and field had 0% variation.Not Availabl

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