Ultrastructure of the Gill Rakers in American Shad, Alosa sapidissima (Clupeidae)


The American shad (Alosa sapidissima) is an anadromous fish that uses suspension feeding to obtain nutrients. The oral morphology of this species is scarcely understood or documented in scientific literature. Information on the specific cell types and structure of gill rakers on the gill arches could provide significant insight into the crossflow filtration mechanism of this species. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and literature comparison were used to identify cell types and microstructures of the raker. Using this comparison, mucous cells, pavement cells, and chloride cells were identified. Distinct patterning and density of mucous cells and pavement cells were measured using SEM imaging and ImageJ software. A significant cell density difference was identified in mucous cells medial and lateral to the denticle structures. These data provide insight into the function of these cell types in particle filtration, water flow, organismal defense, and pH regulation

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