A natureza americana, a ciência e a paisagem oriental em narrativas de viagens do século XVII


During the 18th century travel narratives to the Orient and America were dominated by the naturalistic view, which sought to include the natural and human landscape in previous categories, using of a perception and description that ambiotioned to be objective. However, the importance of the scientific view in the construction of the American landscape and image was deeper and lasting.During the 18th century travel narratives to the Orient and America were dominated by the naturalistic view, which sought to include the natural and human landscape in previous categories, using of a perception and description that ambiotioned to be objective. However, the importance of the scientific view in the construction of the American landscape and image was deeper and lasting.Ao longo do século XVIII as narrativas de viagem ao Oriente e à América serão dominadas pelo olhar naturalista, que busca incluir a paisagem natural e humana em categorias prévias, em uma forma de percepção e descrição que procura ser objetiva. Contudo a importância do olhar científico na construção da paisagem e da imagem americana será mais profundo e duradouro.  &nbsp

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