Effect of divertor legs on neutral particle and impurity retention for a closed helical divertor configuration in the Large Helical Device


A closed helical divertor (CHD) has been designed for efficient particle control in the plasma periphery and for retaining neutral particles and impurity ions in the divertor region. The effect of impurity retention by divertor legs for the CHD configuration is investigated from the viewpoints of neutral impurity transport and force balance of impurity ions along magnetic field lines. A fully three-dimensional neutral particle transport simulation proves that the plasma on the divertor legs is effective for retaining neutral particles/impurities in the CHD region. A one-dimensional impurity ion transport analysis predicts that friction force by plasma flow from the main plasma sweep impurity ions toward the divertor plates even in high neutral density case in which a steep temperature gradient is formed. It shows that the CHD configuration is promising for enhancing LHD plasma performance by effective control of the neutral particles and the impurity ions in the plasma periphery

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