Lazaretto Complex in Ploče from the Fall of the Republic of Dubrovnik to Present (1808-2013)


Članak donosi prikaz novije povijesti Lazareta na Pločama u Dubrovniku, jedinstvenog spomenika graditeljstva i zdravstvene kulture, izgrađenog u razdoblju od 1627. do 1647. godine. Nakon što u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća gube izvornu funkciju karantene, Lazareti proživljavaju dugotrajno razdoblje zapuštenosti i degradacije. Tijekom prve polovice 20. stoljeća izrađeni su brojni projekti za preobrazbu sklopa u hotel, da bi nakon postupne revalorizacije i iscrpljujućih rasprava o budućoj namjeni Lazareti bili obnovljeni krajem 1960-ih godina. No obnovom ne završavaju nedoumice o namjeni sklopa, već gotovo bez prekida traju do danas.This paper presents the recent history of the Lazaretto complex in Dubrovnik’s area called Ploče. It is a unique architectural monument and a quarantine facility built in the period between 1627 and 1647. After the Lazaretto quarantine hospital had lost its primary function in the second half of the 19th century, the complex fell into decay for a long time. Numerous projects for its conversion into a hotel were conceived in the first half of the 20th century. After a gradual evaluation process and exhausting debates on its future program, the Lazaretto complex was renovated in the late 1960s. However, its renovation did not resolve a dilemma about its use

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