Role of Parent Training in the Effective Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Parent training can be an effective strategy for assisting children and their families to cope with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), particularly when it is used as part of a multimodal approach in combination with stimulant medication. The benefits of parent training include: cost effectiveness, particularly when applied in group formats; structured format, enabling the treatment to be applied in a relatively standardized manner across settings and providers; and its generally high degree of acceptability to families. Challenges to implementing parent training programs include: problems with adherence to treatment that may be related to parenting stress; inaccessibility of services; cultural differences between clinicians and families; and the limited financial resources of some families. This article reviews the literature on the effectiveness of parent training as a treatment for ADHD and presents potential benefits as well as barriers to effective interventions. For each barrier, proposed solutions are recommended. Two examples of comprehensive parent training programs used in the treatment of ADHD are provided.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Children, Patient education, Pharmacoeconomics

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