Technology in Engineering Education: What Do the Faculty Know (and Want) Anyway?


We have conducted a survey of engineering faculty at the eight SUCCEED coalition universities to identify the training needs and present levels of experience with various technologies. The results of that survey are presented in this paper. The most surprising finding from the survey is that, despite the wide differences in the Coalition’s colleges of engineering (in size, student demographics, and research-teaching emphasis, for example), the survey results are similar for all campuses. This is important in that it implies that the survey results may be widely applicable to other universities, even given the disparate state of technology integration and availability across campuses today. Generally, the survey found a high correlation between interest in attending a workshop with a low skill level with the workshop topic, as expected. Of the ten potential workshop topics, those in highest demand include: •Developing multimedia courseware or modules. •Developing Java applets to enhance courses. • Creating Web pages for a course to provide information and distribute course materials. • Creating, editing and incorporating multimedia into course materials. • Developing a course delivered entirely via the World Wide Web. • Holding electronic help-sessions or office hours. • Presenting lectures or class demonstrations from a computer

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