Recent Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering: A Unified and Consistent Framework


Over the past decade, major advances have occurred in both understanding and practice with regard to assessment and mitigation of hazard associated with seismically induced soil liquefaction. Soil liquefaction engineering has evolved into a sub-field in its own right, and engineering assessment and mitigation of seismic soil liquefaction hazard is increasingly well addressed in both research and practice. This rapid evolution in the treatment of liquefaction has been pushed largely by a confluence of lessons and data provided by a series of major earthquakes over the past dozen years, as well as by the research and professional/political will engendered by these major seismic events. The overall field of soil liquefaction engineering is now beginning to coalesce into an internally consistent and comprehensive framework, and one in which the various elements are increasingly mutually supportive of each other. Although the rate of progress has been laudable, further advances are occurring, and more remains to be done. As we enter a “new millenium”, engineers are increasingly well able to deal with important aspects of soil liquefaction engineering. This paper will highlight a number of important recent and ongoing developments in soil liquefaction engineering, and will offer insights regarding research in progress, as well as suggestions regarding further advances needed

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